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Forest Garden Design

19th September 2023, 10.00 - 12.30
Oak House, The Lea, Shrewsbury

Create your own Garden of Eden in this workshop for beginner and experienced gardeners alike. Learn how to select and beautifully arrange your choice of unusual edible, perennial plants.


During the morning, we will explore Nancy’s edible wildlife garden, much of which has been built as a 'Forest Garden', a garden style that integrates familiar fruit and nut trees with unusual edible plants arranged as an understorey. Learn how this low maintenance and highly sustainable method for growing food is designed.Have a go at creating your own mini edible planting plan, using classic garden design techniques to put together your own choice of edible plants into an attractive and functional arrangement.


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Book Now - £40

Community Gardener? Get in touch to ask about my FREE community learning slots, offering full workshops at no cost, where your learning will directly benefit community growing spaces. A limited number of these are allocated for each workshop.


Forage Food

Forest Gardening means growing plants that provide food year after year with next to no effort


Design Skills

Learn to create planting plans for an arrangement that works well and looks great!

Why Come on This Workshop?

This workshop will introduce you to some rarely seen plants, arranged using highly sustainable methods for growing food. You will learn everything you need to know to get started in your own forest gardening journey, including what to grow and how to combine it with other plants for a successful combination that looks great.


By the end of the workshop, you will have produced your own planting plan, including your choice of edible plants, arranged in a scale plan. This can be used to create your own mini forest garden at home or could be donated to a school, college or community garden to create an edible garden for others to enjoy.


Finish the day with a walk around the garden, collecting salad leaves and edible flowers to create your own forest salad to take home.


No previous gardening or garden design experience is necessary. Learn everything you need to know to make a start with forest gardening.


For experienced gardeners, expand on your plant knowledge and garden design techniques to build a new dimension of functionality into your garden.

Book Now - £40
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