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wildflower gladwyn iris in Nancy Lowe's garden

Nature Gardens Club

Is there anything better than hanging out in a wildlife garden with a bunch of nature enthusiasts, talking plants, listening to bees, sharing wildlife gardening ideas and drinking cups of tea?


Surely not! And that's exactly why we're so delighted to be able to invite you join us at the Nature Gardens Club. If this sounds like your idea of a good time and you live close enough to us here in Shropshire, membership is free to all, so sign up now to join us! Click the button below, to email our club secretary Pat (patholbourn at hotmail dot com)

Nature Gardens Club members discussing wildlife planting including sedums and crocosmia


As a Nature Gardens Club member, you'll receive invitations to upcoming open garden events as well as a selection of other wildlife garden themed visits, running throughout the growing season.


Membership is completely free. Click any of the 'sign up' buttons on this page, including the one directly below, to  open up an email where you can introduce yourself to our events secretary Pat Holbourn. Alternatively, email her directly on: patholbourn at hotmail dot com. She will be delighted to add you to the list for upcoming club emails. Please add her email address to your email address book, to avoid any problems with club emails being redirected into your spam folder.


Once signed up, if you have any questions before coming over for a visit, do feel welcome to reach out either to myself via the contact page of this website, or by emailing Pat directly.  This is a really warm and welcoming group, so when you're able to join us for an open garden event, expect to meet a lovely crowd of people and to come home refreshed, inspired and brimming with ideas.


As a free-to-join club, please bear in mind that we are not covered by insurance for activities undertaken during our visits. All garden paths are walked along at your own risk!


Garden Open Days

The garden visits themselves are always informative, inspirational and a great chance to connect. Activities usually include a garden tour, lots of gardening chat, plant and seed swaps and a chance to sit and mull it all over at the end of the morning with a cup of tea and maybe a little bite to eat.


Our garden visits are mainly the home gardens of club members, generously opened up to the group. These gardens are real gardens, not show gardens and as such, offer huge amounts to the home gardener in terms of realistic formats and insightful schemes to fit around busy lives.


All are perfect and beautiful in their own way, yet they are also hugely variable, including both carefully designed naturalistic schemes, as well as wild and free, less traditional spaces and everything in between. All are brilliant for wildlife and will offer food for thought and lots to discuss about the many, varied ways we can build a space that works for both ourselves and for wildlife.



Nature Gardens Club members explore wildlife garden with meadow flowers in foreground including sheeps bit scabious

Meet : Share : Inspire

At the Nature Gardens Club, we are centred around the idea that by meeting up together in our wildlife gardens - real gardens, with all their imperfections and quirky features - we can learn and grow together. We can inspire and support each other in giving things a go and doing all we can to bring Nature that little bit closer to our back doorsteps.

bright purple knapweed flowers with pollinating beetles in Natural Gardener Nancy Lowe's garden.JPG
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